Warnings for thunderstorms for Languedoc-Roussillon
No active warnings Alert level dark green:
Active weather notice Alert level yellow:
Severe weather watch Alert level orange:
Severe weather warning (moderate) Alert level red:
Severe weather warning (heavy) Alert level violet:
Severe weather warning (extreme)

The map gives an overview of all the thunderstorm warnings for Languedoc-Roussillon. On the graphic you can see at which locations respectively in which areas of Languedoc-Roussillon the danger of thunderstorms is imminent. The thunderstorms are often accompanied by hail, heavy rain and/or gale-force wind gusts.
We distinguish between weather watches and weather warnings. Thunderstorm watches are issued if the risk of thunderstorms is increased. Thunderstorm warnings for Languedoc-Roussillon are released in case of the development of thunderstorms and provide information about track and arrival time. The warning level comply with the potential danger: At the orange warning level at most small hail stones (< diameter of 1cm) and only a few storm gusts are to be reckoned with. At the red and violet warning level the danger of considerable damage by hail as well as of storm or gale-force gusts gradually increases. The detailed and reliable forecasts of such thunderstorm events are important especially for insurances, the agriculture and event organisers.